We have been using VetOmega in all of our captive psittacines for the past year as part of our preventative health program

“We have been using VetOmega in all of our captive psittacines for the past year as part of our preventative health program. We maintain flocks of sun conures and canary-winged parakeets as part of a walk-through aviary feeding experience. These flocks are only a few years old and providing VetOmega daily in addition to a nutritious diet will help keep these birds healthy for decades to come. Given the long list of health benefits including promoting both cardiovascular and joint health, we also provide VetOmega daily to our middle-aged and older psittacines. All of our captive psittacines have benefitted from the addition of VetOmega to their diets – we expect to continue to see additional benefits with long term use.”