How to Buy and Dose VetOmega®

Purchasing VetOmega® for Your Pet

A letter v with an orange background

VetOmega® 1oz is available online through this website for its retail price of $31.95.  When purchasing VetOmega® online, instead of through your veterinarian, please reference the dosing chart below to know how much to give your exotic pet.

Many patients have been trained to take VetOmega® voluntarily from the syringe or on a food item.

We are working on making instructional videos for dosing and administration! Please be patient as this new feature is being completed.

Purchasing VetOmega® for Professional Use

VetOmega® for the veterinary practice, professional aviary, or licensed rehabilitation/rescue center, comes in 2 sizes. If you want to become a professional distributor, please ‘Contact Us‘.

VetOmega® Dosing and Storage Instructions

Dosage rate: 0.22-0.44 ml/kg orally (or with food) once daily. Do NOT shake the bottle. This damages the omega-3 fatty acids. Keep Refrigerated. It is best to discard and replace the bottle 3 months after opening.

VetOmega® dosing chart